Reclined on the gurney
My mind filled with worry
My body wrecked with despair.
Broken down. Once again.
Mom, help.
You stroked the crown of my head.
My teeth clapped together uncontrollably.
Dominion stripped away.
First by torrential evacuation
of my gut and bowels.
Second, by the ephemeral heat that began
In my buttocks
climbed my back
Intoxicated my mind
Then pooled in my prefrontal cortex.
Mama, I need help.
My legs ignore me
And my clouded head heavy with
The sweat that glazed my brow
Was now a cold and clinging vise that enveloped me.
Mama, I…
I was reminded of love.
Told me that I would be all right.
Your bosom warmed my forehead
And steeled my soul.
Your love
Stoked my floundering flame of hope.
I warmed slowly.
The labor of my rebirth complete.
I remembered that you love me.