Inspiration: For Atatiana Jefferson, shot and killed by a Fort Worth police officer in her home. She lived in the Hillside Morningside neighborhood.



Did you leave your door open?

Sister, what is going on?

You all right in there?

The police are coming to check on you.

You’ll be safe. They will make sure that you’re okay.

Girl, get away from that window!

Oh, no, they shot someone.

They shoot too many folks and my nerves can’t handle it.

What’s that now? What about Atatiana? Dead?

Yes Ma’am.

This must be a mistake! Are they sure that it is my baby?

The officers saw a gun in her house!

Fuck the gun, are they sure that it’s my baby? She can’t be dead, I still feel her in my heart!

I can’t tell if she was holding the gun.

The body cam video on the news doesn’t say much, except that there was a gun in her house. Ma’am, do you know if she had a gun?

Did they really shoot my baby?

Did they see her before they took her away?

Did he say that he was there?

Why did he shoot my baby?

He detected a threat behind the curtain.

Why did he shoot my baby?

Again, they detected a threat behind the curtain.

A gun. Are they sure it was a gun?

Yes Ma’am, the gun is on the video.

So they saw a damn gun behind the damn curtain, so they shot my baby.

That is all that I care with you all.

Ma’am. It is an ongoing police investigation.

Why did he shoot my baby?

Ma’am, I cannot say at this time. We are investigating.