Category: Journal


I had my first biopsy yesterday. I assume that they pulled some tissue from the lower end of my esophagus. I’m not particularly concerned about it and I wonder why. Is it because I learned of the biopsy while reading my...

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Reclined on the gurney My mind filled with worry My body wrecked with despair. Broken down. Once again. Mom, help. You stroked the crown of my head. My teeth clapped together uncontrollably.  Dominion stripped away. First by...

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I find that I’m giving up a whole lotta stuff lately: Fears. Doubts. Analysis paralysis. Old ways of thinking. Old ways of being. Audience with my inner critic, that asshole. Perfection and flawless preparation. A recent...

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Ecotone – Second Take

It was an unseasonably pleasant mid-August morning of 1999 in Bowling Green, Ohio. The humidity was barely noticeable, the sun bright, and the mosquitos surprisingly absent. Good graduation weather, particularly when your cap...

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Ecotone – First Take

The maternal wing of my family arrived in Bowling Green, Ohio five days prior. We’d had hot wings at Fricker’s, a few quick lunches at Frisch’s Big Boy, a quasi-classy meal at Easy Street Café, and a couple of pizzas from...

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Ancestors. Are you proud—of me? I ask because I was led to believe that my life must be a source of pride for you. That I must honor you in all ways within my capacity. My life would need to be a reflection of the things you...

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